By now we should have all heard about how our way of living (producing much waste, traveling much, overusing natural resources, eating too much meat etc.) is not good for the environment. We have to change that, take action against the pollution of ocean and landfills. There are more and more organisations which free the oceans from the plastic waste but the most important thing is to stop the problem at its source! We have to live more sustainable, think about the future. We want our children and grandchildren to have a great place to live in, don't we?
There are so many people who still don't know that all the things they do in daily life harm the earth so much. Or maybe they just don't care, that's much worse.
We are lucky to have an education where we have the opportunity to learn about sustainability and the pollution of our planet and how to avoid this. But there is still so much to learn and so much to change! Most of the people in poor countries don't have this opportunity. So most of the important task in sustainability is educating others. It is important that more people know what about the consequences of our human (over consumption) lifestyle. Together we can reach much more than alone!
So talk to your family, friends, classmates, teachers, gym buddies, who ever you can find and spread awareness of earth pollution and help them be more sustainable and environmental friendly! You can read tips on how to be more sustainable here on my blog. Maybe you find something you haven't thought of yet. For me personally I find it super fun to have sustainable things it feels kind of special sometimes, even though its totally normal for me by now.
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Niggela (Wednesday, 30 May 2018 12:45)
@Sarina I'm 18 years old :) I cannot answer your comment directly, need to find out how that works but hopefully you see this. You can also write me a message on my "where to find me" button if you have further questions!
Sarina (Tuesday, 29 May 2018 00:29)
How old are you? :)