Cleaning nearly all surfaces → add a tablespoon baking soda into water, you can add essential oils if you like
Fabric softener → add a tablespoon to your detergent
Laundry detergent → works great for not so dirty clothes
Stain remover → make a paste, put it on the stain and let it sit for 1 hour
Clogged drain → add 1-2 tablespoons into the drain and ad a cup of vinegar – in 15-20 mins it should be free again!
Dirty oven → make a paste and put it onto the dirty places – let sit over night an wipe in the morning and clear with water. Works also for dirty pans and pots!
Smelly fridge → fill a little plate with baking soda and pop it in the fridge – absorbs smell for up to 4 weeks!
Sticky labels on glass → make a baking soda-oil mix, let sit for 30 mins and the label should go right off
Coffee or tea stains in bottles → add 1 tablespoon of baking soda into the bootleg and add hot water – let sit overnight
Toilet cleaner → Add 1 cup of baking soda into the toilet and on the sides – let sit for 1 hour and clean
Shampoo → mix with a little water and use it as a shampoo – use an apple cider vinegar rinse afterwards
Homemade deodorant → use it on its own or make a homemade deodorant you can find the recipe here!
Toothpaste → mix with coconut oil to make a paste – you can add peppermint oil if you like
Mouthwash → 1 teaspoon on 1 glass of water
Homemade bath bombs → you can find a recipe on my blog!
Exfoliate → mix with water and rub gently on your skin
Sweaty shoes, eww –> sprinkle a little bit of baking soda into your shoes in the evening, let sit and remove in the morning
Sunburn → 1l water and 3 tablespoons of baking soda – soak a Shirt in it and wear it to soothe the sunburn
Insect bites → make a paste and rub on the insect bite
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Niggela (Wednesday, 30 May 2018 12:45)
@Sarina I'm 18 years old :) I cannot answer your comment directly, need to find out how that works but hopefully you see this. You can also write me a message on my "where to find me" button if you have further questions!
Sarina (Tuesday, 29 May 2018 00:29)
How old are you? :)